Specialist services for underground exploration, ensuring stability and safety in mining tunnels and shafts.
Geological Assessments for Resource Identification and Development
Professional Mining Exploration & Geological Survey Services
EngeoLabCC provides expert mining exploration and geological survey services, offering detailed resource assessments, pit slope stability analysis, and core logging for both large and small-scale mining projects. Our experienced team ensures safe, efficient, and compliant resource development with advanced testing and analysis.
Mineral Resource Assessments
Thorough assessments to evaluate mineral deposits, resource potential, and extraction feasibility for mining operations.
Pit Slope Stability Analysis
Expert analysis to ensure the safety and stability of open pit mining operations and prevent slope failure.
Core Logging Services
Professional core logging for detailed geological data, aiding in mineral identification and structural analysis.
Exploration Drilling Management
Supervision and coordination of exploration drilling, ensuring precise resource location and efficient project execution.